If You See A Plastic Bottle On Your Tire, Pay Close..

The ever-increasing cost of living and the incessant need to work are just two of the many difficulties that come with modern life. Even with all these demands on our time and energy, we must never lose sight of the need to protect ourselves, particularly in high-risk scenarios where failure to act could have devastating results. If you ever discover a plastic bottle wedged between your automobile tire and frame, make sure to pay close attention and act swiftly. In this kind of emergency, you should call 911 right away. Find out why by further reading…Thieves nowadays are getting increasingly creative. Actually, they’ve developed a novel strategy for car theft that is generating alarm around the globe! As a low-tech and covert signal, would-be carjackers have discovered a way to steal vehicles.

This approach has quickly spread, including occurrences in the United States, although it was initially recorded in Limpopo, South Africa. The plan goes like this: after a would-be carjacker finds a target, they “mark” the vehicle by placing a water bottle on one of its wheels. If you want to hide the bottle from the driver when you get in your car, you should put it on the front passenger side wheel, says MotorBiscuit. An unnerving crackling sound emanates from the empty plastic bottle as the driver begins to accelerate the vehicle. Most drivers would immediately pull over to see what they might have collided with. Now would be the ideal time for the auto thief to make their move. Thieves can easily steal an automobile and make off with the owner’s possession if they get inside while the engine is running. On the other hand, the criminal could take advantage of the opportunity to enter the vehicle and make off with the valuables, such a phone or wallet that was left behind. In any scenario, getting out of the car to look for the noise’s origin puts the driver in harm’s way. Take a few seconds before getting into your vehicle to check the wheels, says Michigan radio station WCRZ, to protect yourself against this tactic .Verify that everything is in its proper place. Be very careful if you discover a water bottle stuck between the tire and the frame. The would-be thief could be watching you. Next, you can call 911 covertly to let the authorities know what’s going on and that you’re worried about your safety. If you want a quick response, be specific about where you are and what kind of car you’re driving. Please SHARE this story if you think it might help your Family and Friends!

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